Tv tropes kerbal space program
Tv tropes kerbal space program

Adios for now!ĭamn it Jeb ! What part of "neither confirm nor deny" wasn't I clear to you about?

tv tropes kerbal space program

I think Stratus Inc's logistics people are running a livestream time permitting I'll put the address up here. I already tried.Īnyway, I'm going to have to wrap this up now, because we're running an RCS test as soon as the last supply container's locked down. But better to have 'em and not need 'em than the other way round, I say, and I'm the one flying this thing.Īnd no, the lander will not fit down the barrel. I know lots of people are unhappy about it hell, I'm not exactly thrilled with the prospect either, and I hope and pray we don't need the shotgun and the game rifles in the surface excursion gear, much less the ship-to-ship mass driver or the point-defence lasers. I doubt he'll be able to tell you a whole lot though, because it's on loan from the Air Force -as is Kurt, incidentally- and most of the details are classified.Īnd since it's already been leaked to the media I might just as well confirm that yes, Kurt is also our Weapons Systems Officer because no, we are not going out into a completely unknown and un knowable situation without some means of self-defence. Questions about that Quantum Entanglement Communications System I mentioned earlier should be directed to Kurt MacKerjel, our other mission specialist. Technical questions about how the Alkerbierre Drive actually works should be directed to Mission Specialist Scott Kerbley -see the "About the Crew" page for his email address- because I really don't know much more than what I read in Science Quarterly my degree's in aerospace engineering, not quantum physics. And yes, I know it's not technically FTL because it bends or compresses space-time or something -don't ask me how that works- but anything that gets us to our nearest stellar neighbour in eight months where light takes as many years is close enough in my book. I've been in this business nigh-on thirty years, watched the space programme grow from my first sub-orbital flight strapped to a glorified firecracker to flags and footprints on every solid body in the system and permanent settlements on two of them, and I still can't quite believe we've got an honest-to-Kerweh faster-than-light drive on this ship. We're waiting for favourable orbital conditions for the transfer to Jool, which we'll be using for a gravity-assist to take us well clear of the system before we fire up the hyperdrive.ĭamn. I guess I'll have to let you all be the judge of whether it works.Īnyway, I'm writing this from the Starfarer 1 in a standard 100km equatorial parking orbit, currently passing over the Great Tranquil Sea. I kid, I kid! Supposedly this is supposed to be more personal, intimate and Kerbal than pre-digested press releases and staged video interviews. Why blog entries, I hear you ask? (Because Lord knows I did when the suits told me about it.) Well, turns out that designing, testing and building an Alkerbierre Drive and a Quantum Entanglement Communications System costs a lot of money and we had to lay off our entire Public Relations office, so for once our perenially inadequate budget is working in our favour. My name is Jebediah Kerman and I'll be regularly updating Kerbalkind on the progress of our first ever interstellar voyage through these blog entries.

tv tropes kerbal space program

If my taste in puns was that bad, my list of accomplishments in the field of kerballed spaceflight would be much shorter and end with "first astronaut to be murdered in space".Īnyhow. Okay, before we go any further I'd like to make it clear that the name of this thing was not my idea. Credit for many elements of the worldbuilding, especially Kerbal biology and culture, goes to the author of this superlative fanfic, who gave me his enthusiastic consent and borrowed a few of my ideas in return. Oh, and credit for most of the questions Jeb is responding to go to various readers on the official KSP forums and eventually our Arch Rival as well. Some of you might've seen this in a couple of other places, but since I was asking for advice on it over in Sci-Fi I figured you guys might want to take a look.

Tv tropes kerbal space program